Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Sundance Missives - Season 3, Episode 6

Hi everyone!

Ok, I've decided that today was the last day that I'm going to get up for an early morning movie. From now on, it's 11:30am or later. The in-between naps just aren't cutting it at this point. I didn't out and out fall asleep in the second movie that I saw today, but my attention wasn't fully on it, and I may have enjoyed it slightly less because of my tiredness.

So, the early movie that I saw was called "Pretty Bird" and it was directed by Paul Schneider (an actor from "Lars and the Real Girl" among other movies). The film was inspired by a true story of a smooth talking guy (Billy Crudup) who is trying to set up a business for jet packs with a friend (David Hornsby) and an unemployed rocket scientist (Paul Giamatti, who was looking even more schlubby than he normally does). It's sort of a comic tragedy about their adventures and how their partnerships disintegrate. I'd give it 3 stars (out of five). The director was their for a Q&A and he seemed very excited to have his film shown.

The next movie was called "The Wackness" and it's been getting a lot of buzz around town, but after seeing it, I'm not sure why. It was alright, I suppose, but it may be the sleepiness that is making me not understand the buzz. The film takes place in New York City in the summer of 1994 and follows a recent high school graduate (Josh Peck, who apparently is on some show on Nickelodeon) who deals marijuana and trades pot for therapy sessions with a psychologist (Sir Ben Kingsley) who has many problems of his own. It follows their growing friendship as well as the other relationships in their lives. It's another one of these comic dramas that I've seen a lot of in the past couple days. This movie did show a make out scene between two actors that I never thought I would have seen – Ben Kingsley and Mary Kate Olson. That was just bizarre. 3 stars (out of five).
I'm going to go home and get a full night's sleep.
Your Sundance correspondent,

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