Sunday, January 21, 2007

Season 2, Episode 3 (1/21/07)

Hi all!

Last night was another night of computer glitches, but again we made it through. Today was another ambitious day of movie-watching, but it was well worth it because I saw three excellent films -- all on about four hours of sleep, but they were all interesting enough to keep me awake.

First up, early this morning, was "Year of the Dog" which was written and directed by Mike White ("The Good Girl" and "Chuck and Buck"). It starred Molly Shannon as an office worker who becomes an aggressive animal rights activist and vegan after her dog dies. It doesn't sound like a humorous premise, but it was really quite funny. John C. Reilly and Peter Sarsgaard were also in the cast and there for the Q&A. (And at the early morning screening at that! - Ok, I'll stop holding the grudge against Philip and Laura now.) 4 stars (out of five)

After that, I went to see a film called "Teeth." Hmmm, how to describe this movie. Well, I really liked it. It was funny, scary, and a little bit nauseating. Ok, here it goes. The story involves a girl who discovers that she has teeth in a place other than her mouth and the consequences of that for guys she has intercourse with (as well as her OB/GYN). That's right, she has teeth in her vagina. (Can you imagine the brainstorming pitch meeting for this movie? "How about this for a title? Teeth in the Vagina!" "No, about Snakes on a Plane?")* As wacky as this sounds, I did really like it. 4 1/2 stars.

I still wasn't tired after that, so I decided to stay and see the World Premiere of "Waitress." Michelle, who got me involved with Sundance in the first place, but who isn't volunteering this year, but who was in Park City to visit, came with me to see this film. (It was good seeing you Michelle!) "Waitress" was a funny and touching film about a waitress in a small town who becomes pregnant by her unloving husband and then begins an affair with her doctor. There were great performances by Keri Russell (from Felicity), Nathan Fillion (from Firefly), Cheryl Hines (from Curb Your Enthusiasm), and Jeremy Sisto (from Six Feet Under). It was a touching screening as well because the director/co-star of the film, Adrienne Shelley, has passed away since the filming. Many of the actors were visibly upset after the film was over. 4 1/2 stars.

Until the next episode...

Your Sundance correspondent,


PS -- *Thanks Dan for the pitch meeting bit.

"Year of the Dog" cast - Regina King, Josh Pais, Peter Sarsgaard, Tom McCarthy, John C. Reilly, Molly Shannon:

"Year of the Dog" - John C. Reilly, Molly Shannon, Mike White (Director):

"Year of the Dog" - Regina King, Josh Pais, Peter Sarsgaard:

"Year of the Dog" - John C. Reilly, Molly Shannon (Check out my gums!):

"Teeth" - Jess Weixler:

"Waitress" - Nathan Fillion, Keri Russell:

"Waitress" - Nathan Fillion:

"Waitress" - Jeremy Sisto:

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