Monday, January 22, 2007

Season 2, Episode 4 (1/22/07)

Hi everyone!

It was a beautiful, sunny day here in Park City. Still not above freezing, but it's warmer than it has been.

We finally had a smooth volunteer shift last night with the computer cooperating for once. Our 11:30pm screening was much busier than normal, because a popular film called "Interview" was screening. There was a packed house to see this film that Steve Buscemi directed and starred in.

This morning, I continued my trend of getting up for an early morning movie, despite a lack of sleep. Once again, I wasn't disappointed. I saw "The Nines" which is the feature directorial debut of John August who wrote "Go," "Big Fish," "Charlie's Angels," among others. It starred Ryan Reynolds, Melissa McCarthy (Sookie from "Gilmore Girls"), and Hope Davis. I loved this movie. Each of the principal actors played three different roles in three sections of the film. The storylines twisted and turned on themselves and I may have to wait to see it again to figure it all out. It was very "Donnie Darko"-esqe with many spiritual and religious overtones. I'd have to say that this is my first Sundance movie that I will rate 5 stars (out of five).

That was the only movie I saw today. Afterwards, I went to the gym and worked out next to Sam Rockwell ("Charlie's Angels," "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," etc.) He has a couple movies playing in the festival and I hope to catch one of them in the next couple days.

Then it was time for a much-needed nap. When I woke up from that, I ventured down to Main Street to see who I could see and to pick up the swag that everyone is giving away. I think I may have seen Yul (the latest Survivor winner), but it was getting dark and he was across the street, so it could have been a look-alike.

Now it's time to head back to the theater.

Until the next episode...

Your Sundance correspondent,


PS - You may notice in the picture of me and "Sookie" that I'm starting to sport my annual goatee. I only grow one when Dan won't get scratched by it. :)

"Interview" - Jeromy leaving Steve Buscemi hanging:

"The Nines" - Melissa McCarthy, some member of the crew, and Ryan Reynolds:

"The Nines" - Ryan Reynolds:

"The Nines" - Melissa McCarthy and Ted:

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