Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Season 2, Episode 5 (1/23/07)

Hi everyone!

Well, how's this for irony? The day when I don't get up early and when I get the most sleep is the day that I feel the most tired. What's up with that? I decided to skip the 8:30am movie and to see my first flick at 11:30am. That movie was called "Grace is Gone." It was a touching film starring John Cusack as a widower whose wife is killed in the Iraq War. His character has a tough time dealing with his pride in his wife and the sadness about her death. He can't bring himself to tell his two young daughters, so instead he takes them on a long road trip until he finally tells them at the end of the film. It's a great story, but I just didn't find John Cusack's character to be all that believable. Overall, I'd give the film 3 1/2 stars (out of five).

I was a little tired during that screening, but decided to see another movie after that. This one was called "Fay Grim" and it starred Parker Posey as a rather complicated woman who gets pulled into some international espionage based on information from her believed-dead husband. Parker had some very fun scenes in it, but I was fading in and out about halfway through. It's not really fair to rate this one, so I'll give it 2 1/2 with an asterisk. It's going to be playing again during one of my volunteer shifts, so maybe I'll try to catch the last half of it again to see if I like it any better.

Ok, I'm going to try to take a catnap before my shift. Yawn... Until the next episode...

Your (sleepy) Sundance correspondent,


"Grace is Gone" James Strouse (Director) and John Cusack:

"Fay Grim" Hal Hartley (Director) and Parker Posey:

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