Thursday, January 18, 2007

Season 2 - The Prologue (1/18/07)

Hey everyone!

Here we go again! Some of you may remember my daily updates from last year's Sundance Film Festival ( Others are new to the list this year (Welcome!) If you want to reminisce about last year's experiences, those missives can be found in the 2006 Archives to the right.

I arrived back in Park City yesterday for my second year of volunteering. I'll be working the same job that I did last year - running the box office during the night shift at the Prospector Square Theater. I'll be working with some of the same people from last year, which is cool, but some others did not return and some have been assigned to other theaters. We'll see how things go.

Today is a day of training to get back up to speed. Then tonight the movies begin! Like last year, I will be writing up mini-reviews of the films that I see. And of course, I will report on the celebrity sightings from around town.

Until the first episode...

Your Sundance correspondent,


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