Thursday, January 19, 2006

Season 1, Episode 1 - 1/19/2006

Hi all,

Some of you know that I am attending the Sundance Film Festival ( this year as a volunteer. I thought I would write up an account of my activities here -- good movies I've seen, celebrity sightings, etc.

I arrived in Park City yesterday and after a few logistical snags during the check-in process, I moved into my home for the next 10 days - a condo that I'll be sharing with five other guys. This totally felt like "The Real World" where some people arrived at different times and you were always anxious to see who else would show up next. "This is the true story (the true story) of six strangers, picked to live in a loft, work together and (not) have their lives taped, to find out what happens when you stop being polite and start getting real. The Real World - Park City."

I'll be working at the box office of the Prospector Square Theater during the midnight shift (8pm-2am), along with my five roommates and four other people. This schedule has its good and bad points. We're not working as many hours as other shifts and we should be able to see a lot of movies during the day (Volunteers get standby tickets to all of the movies showing outside of your shift). However, we will miss out on all of the night life and parties going on around Park City during the festival.

So far, we've been to the Volunteer Opening Night party, which had some good food and some good (and bad) karaoke. Today was spent in training mode to get us up and running for our first shifts. I must say that the training was somewhat haphazard and it didn't make it seem like we're ready to work yet, but we'll be starting tomorrow regardless. Luckily, I'll be working with a veteran box office person who should be able to guide me along.

Tonight, there are volunteer screenings of a couple movies that I am going to try to check out. I'll let you know if they are any good in Volume 2 of the Missives. So far, I've seen no one famous, but the festival is young (the first screening is tonight and it gets in full swing tomorrow).

Until next time...


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