Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Season 1, Episode 7 - 1/25/2006

Hello everyone,

Ok, I'm tired once again. After our shift last night, our condo hosted a party to celebrate one of the roommate's (Nathan) birthday as well as to showcase the musical stylings of another roommate, Jeromy, and his friend Jeremy (whose alter ego is called Vince Diamond). When a party begins at 2am and I try to get up for an 8:30am screening, that is just a recipe for exhaustion. It was a fun party, but most of us are paying for it today.

The movie I saw this morning was called "Right at Your Door" and unfortunately, it was not worth going to so early in the morning. The plot involves a series of dirty bomb attacks on L.A. and how that affects one couple - the guy is sealed in their house, while the woman has been contaminated and cannot be let back in. It sounded like a good concept, that's why I wanted to see it, but it just was pretty slow and not that interesting. 2 stars (out of five). Afterwards, I went back and took a nap. I'll be trying to another movie this afternoon called "The Darwin Awards" starring Joseph Fiennes. Review in the next volume, if I get in.

Last night during work, I sold a wait list ticket to the actor who plays Jackson on "Gilmore Girls." Unfortunately, I didn't know the actor's name, so I didn't want to say "Hey, you're Jackson from Gilmore Girls." Doubly unfortunately is that I actually could have said that because I've looked him up on the Internet Movie Database ( and his real name is actually Jackson. Darn, well now I know.

As an addendum to a previous volume... about a half hour after I sent out Volume 5 (where I spoke of seeing "The Illusionist" co-starring Paul Giamatti), I actually ran in Mr. Giamatti on the street, where he was having some press photos taken. As they were moving to a new location, I went up to him and told him that I had just seen his movie and that he had done a terrific job. He replied, "Thanks man, I really appreciate it. And hey, watch out for that dog shit," which we were both walking towards. Seems like a very nice guy, and very conscientious as well.

I'm going to go get in line for the next movie. Lining up for movies is a big part of the Sundance experience. Depending on the popularity of the move, a.k.a. the "buzz" that you hear about the film (I'm talking so "L.A." after a few days here) you may need to line up a couple hours before the screening time. It's not usually too bad, as you can talk with your fellow filmgoers in line or catch up on some reading.

Until next time...


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