Friday, January 27, 2006

Season 1, Episode 8 - 1/27/2006

Hi All,

Sorry that I missed out on sending the Missives yesterday - just never found myself near a computer yesterday.

The Festival is starting to wind down. You can tell that there are fewer people walking around the streets of Park City and there are certainly fewer celebrities to see. Most of the movies have screened multiple times, so many of the directors and stars no longer do Q&A sessions after the movies. There is one more movie that will premiere tonight - Alpha Dog, starring Bruce Willis and Justin Timberlake (yes, that Justin Timberlake - apparently he acts now). I'll be trying to see that flick tomorrow.

So, a couple nights ago, I was able to see "The Darwin Awards" but it really wasn't worth it. The plot involved stupid people doing stupid things and dying because of them. Actually those scenes were quite funny and if it had just been series of those scenes, it may have been better, but they had to put in a story of two insurance investigators (Joseph Fiennes and Winona Ryder) and how they figured out how these things happened. It was quite a disappointment. 2 stars (out of five).

Yesterday, I tried to get into a documentary, which has had lots of buzz, called "Wordplay" about Will Shortz, the writer of the NY Times crossword puzzles. Unfortunately, it was playing a small theater and was not able to get in off of the waitlist. Later that day, I attended a screening of a horror film called "The Descent." The story was about six women who begin descending an unexplored cave and then come across a bunch of blind humanoid creatures who start attacking them. That description sounds pretty lame, but it was such a scary film. Great camera work and lots of "jump out of your seat" moments. I liked it a lot. 4 stars.

Also yesterday, I saw a film called "Man Push Cart" about a Pakistani immigrant who lugs around a food cart around New York City. This immigrant develops a variety of relationships with different customers and fellow vendors. There was some touching on the hardships that a Muslim living and working in NYC after 9/11 (especially one who has to carry around a propane tank for his job). It was a well-done film and you could really care about this character. 4 stars.

Today I took a break from seeing any movies. My roommate/theater manager, Jeromy, and I decided to take some snowboarding lessons. Neither one of us had ever snowboarded before and we decided that we should take advantage of some of the great slopes that Utah has to offer. We found a lesson package at a nearby resort that included the lessons, lift tickets, and equipment rental. We had such a good time. Our instructor was great and really took us along in baby steps. We certainly fell down a lot, but that was to be expected. By the end of the day, we had mastered getting on and off the ski lift and we had started getting into doing some turns down the hill (I mean mountain - really we were on a mountain). It was a fun day, but we're both going to be sore tomorrow (actually I'm already a little sore).

So, we have two more volunteer shifts to go (tonight and tomorrow night) and then I head back home on Sunday. I will try to send out another volume tomorrow, and I will send some of the pictures once I get back home.

Your Sundance correspondent,


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