Sunday, January 22, 2006

Season 1, Episode 4 - 1/22/2006

Hello everyone!

Well, it actually felt a little warm outside today. The sun was out and it may have actually hit the 30s! It's a heat wave (especially when I'm still layered in clothing for 20 degree weather)!

My second night of volunteering went much better than the first. We're starting to the get the hang of things and the computer was actually working so that was a plus. I didn't get a chance to see her, but Gwyneth Paltrow was in our theater, because she had co-directed one of the shorts. Michael Rappaport was also in our theater last night as he was the star of our second feature. I was able to see some of his Q&A session, but I missed out on a funny moment with him. I was taking a bathroom break and apparently he came into our lobby about halfway through the screening and yells, "Hey, is this where the movie is screening?", thus interrupting and disturbing his own movie. Stupid bladder!

For the first time today, I was denied entrance into a movie I was trying to see. It was bound to happen eventually, but it was still disappointing. Apparently "Thank You For Smoking" is a hot film.

I did get to see a couple movies today (well maybe one and a half). This morning I saw "The Night Listener" starring Robin Williams and Toni Collette. It was a creepy little film, which can't really be described without giving too much away. Both of their performances were good and Toni was there for a Q&A along with the co-screenwriters, Armistead Maupin and Terry Anderson. 4 stars (out of five)

The other movie I saw (or half saw because I was exhausted by the time I got there and I may have dozed a little) was called "Half Nelson" and starred Ryan Gosling (who is off shooting a movie somewhere and wasn't at the screening) as a teacher who is also a crack addict. The story relates to his struggles and the bond that he forms with one of his students who stumbles upon him doing crack in the school bathroom. The student was played a young girl named Shareeka Epps who was just brilliant. It's too bad that I wasn't alert for the whole thing. I give it 3 stars (but perhaps it was actually better than that).

This afternoon, I stopped in at a Queer Brunch that was being held near our theater. John Waters and Rufus Wainwright were there (not together). I told Rufus that I enjoyed his two shows and he said thanks and then got pulled away by someone else. "Excuse me! I think I was talking here!" Oh well.

I'm going to try to get a nap in before my next shift. Yawn... Bye for now...


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