Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Season 1, Episode 6 - 1/24/2006

Hi everyone,

So today I decided to really catch up on some sleep rather than getting up to see an 8:30am movie. I think it was a smart plan - I'm not dragging at all at this point (but that will probably change again tomorrow when I return to the early morning movie schedule).

The volunteer work is still going alright, but I don't think that we have completed a full shift without any computer glitches. But it's been fun to see all the people coming in for the movies and it's exciting to make peoples' days when you let them in off of the wait list. Last night, our theater showed a documentary called "Everyone Stares" about the early days of the band The Police, which was directed by Stewart Copeland, the Police's drummer. People kept wondering if Sting would show up, but no luck. Stewart Copeland was there and he and his entourage devoured the pizza that was supposed to be for us volunteers. Grrr!

Today, my movie watching included "Stay" which was directed by Bobcat Goldthwait. This was a truly hysterical movie about a woman with a sick and disturbing sexual secret from her past and the results of revealing that secret to her fiance and family. It was truly twisted, but I liked it a lot. Bobcat was there and very funny about being called a "filmmaker." I didn't know the two main stars, Melinda Page Hamilton and Bryce Johnson, but they were both cute and there for the Q&A. One of the supporting characters was played by Jack Plotnick, who I recognized from when he played Barrett on Ellen's sitcom. He was also there for the Q&A. 4 1/2 stars (out of five).

I also watched "All Aboard! Rosie's Family Cruise" which was a documentary about Rosie and Kelli O'Donnell's first cruise for gay and lesbian families. It was fun and well-done and there were many emotional moments in it as well. It's scheduled to be broadcast on HBO in April. Rosie, Kelli, and their kids were there for this premiere. 4 stars.

Until the next update...


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