Saturday, January 21, 2006

Season 1, Episode 3 - 1/21/2006

Hi All!

It's another cold and snowy day here in Park City, but still having a great time. When we last left the Missives, I was heading off to a concert at the Music Cafe. Caught a couple of great acts - Imogen Heap is a singer that I've just recently been hearing about and she put on a great set (although the sound quality in the venue didn't do her any justice). After her, I got to see part of set by Rufus Wainwright (before I had to head out to my volunteer shift), one of my favorite singers. He's doing much better in concert these days (I've seen him about five times previously) now that he's more sober (He used to be quite messy). I caught both of these performers for a second time this afternoon.

My first shift last night was plagued with glitches (computer system not working, people coming in after we had closed our register , etc.) but we made it through. Luckily we only had one screening, so we were able to take our time with everything. Tonight will be a test with two separate screenings.

Movies I've seen:

Saw "Lucky Number Slevin" this morning which was very good. A bit of violence, but it was a cool movie with a lot of misdirection about the characters (sort of like "The Usual Suspects") with a big reveal at the end. It starred Josh Hartnett and Lucy Liu (who were there for a Q&A and I was a little closer for pictures this time), along with Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman, and Ben Kingsley. Liked it a lot (but at 8:30 in the morning, the violence was a bit shocking). 4 stars.

After that I saw a rather depressing movie called "SherryBaby," starring Maggie Gyllenhaal. It was about an addict who is out on parole and trying to get her life back together, but it doesn't go so well. It was really well done and well-acted, but it certainly is not a feel-good movie. The director and a bunch of the cast were there for a Q&A. It was certainly a shame that I didn't notice Jake there to support his sister. Oh well. :) 3 1/2 stars.

Time to head to work again. Until next time....


PS - I've been asked about sending some pictures along with the Missives. I am accessing my e-mail from public computers, so I can't upload the pictures I've taken. I'll be sure to send some pictures once I return home.

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